Tuesday 15 July 2014

Healthy living

Recently, a friend posted on Facebook (paraphrased) that "Our generation will produce the weirdest grandparents". Sure, the statement is funny at first, but what shocked me even more was my knee-jerk response to the statement, which i gave as a comment to the status update, "with pizza and all other kinds of junk food we eat, how many of us will make it that far?".

I've always been aware of my poor dietary choices, but even more surprising to me was my knowledge of the effects of this lifestyle, long or short term. That is when i made the choice to pursue a quest for healthy living. I intend to do this by finding the healthy, more nutritious forms of my every day food choices. Below is an example of such:

Instead of having tea with bread, try taking a fruit, or even sweet potatoes. Porridge would be even healthier, but it brings with it a ravenous appetite within two hours(or less).

10:00 tea - if you must have it, take it plain. Snacking will only ruin your appetite for something more filling and nutritious during lunch.

Lunch - I know that its very hard to get delicious and highly nutritious food in Nairobi, for the same price as chips (French fries), Kebab, Smokies and every other junk food available, but for the price of your health, it is worth the sacrifice to opt for yoghurt, or if you have a couple of shillings to spare, grab a bite at town-based restaurants like Sizzling Grills or Highlands or the other restaurant options.

Dinner - This shouldn't be too hard, as most people I know have supper at home, but even then, make every effort to enjoy an equally nutritious meal; one that entails a balanced diet, for example

Ugali + Sukuma wiki + Meat (or eggs)
Rice + Beans stew + Fruit (banana,orange,avocado-these are the easiest to get)
Spaghetti(pasta) + Peas stew(or dengu-green grams) +fruit
Mashed potatoes + Meat stew + Vegetable salad
Chapati + Dengu stew + Cabbage

and many other combinations of the above food groups

And last but not least, enjoy a glass of lemon water. Personal research has taught me that lemons are good for producing the good kind of cholesterol in the body, and clearing plaque from the arteries, among others. So do try taking a glass everyday, it is good for you.

Best regards,
Velonah ♥

Monday 12 November 2012

Nothing new under the sun

Of Beautiful People, and Insecurities

When I first read in the Bible in Genesis 12:11, of how Abraham's wife Sarah was beautiful, I immediately thought of which woman to compare her to in the modern day. Try to Google World's most beautiful woman, and you'll see just how difficult it is to choose which woman looks most like Sarah, or at least what Sarah looked like.

Off the top of my head, I presume Sarah was as beautiful as Vanessa Williams, so it was understandable that Abraham felt the need to lie to the Egyptians. He crafted a story about Sarah being his sister, so that the Egyptians would spare his life.

It may not always be about looks, your partner could be very talented, or highly charismatic, rich, influential, what have you; any attribute about them that makes them irresistible to others, that causes you some sort of unease(for lack of a better word).

Needless to say, God was not happy about their trickery and deceit. Abraham was very fortunate that Sarah was never defiled by the Egyptians, but was handed  back to him untouched.

 This is highly relatable in real life, where a guy has a beautiful girlfriend, and his fears get the better of him, when confronted by others.

In lying, or sinning in any other way to cover up your insecurities, Abraham displeased God. Not only that, but he showed a lack of faith in God's ability to protect them. As a consequence, he lost his high standing, earlier known as the father of faith. In the same way, when a born again man or woman resorts to sin to cover up his/her track, then the compromise results in a loss. Any achievement attained in deceit, would be a pyrrhic victory at best.

So ladies, gentlemen, if your insecurity about your boyfriend/girlfriend will cause you to sin against God, you better confront it, or you'll lose them(or more).